Puretech Pre-Treatment units are the ultimate solution for treating mains water prior to the purification process.
As market leaders in the design and delivery of raw water pre-treatment units, Puretech has installed units all over the world, each one individually designed and engineered to treat the local water in local conditions to provide the first step of treatment and protection to the water purification technology.

Puretech’s modular raw water pre-treatment units are designed to ensure that all contaminants or compounds are removed from water in its raw state prior to further purification. The units are designed according to the characteristics of the incoming raw water and the requirements of the following purification processes. Typically, pre-treatment includes water softening, for hard water areas, and filtering.
With over thirty years of experience in the design and delivery of raw-water pre-treatment units, and as the manufacturers of the GENYSYS and OASYS purification systems, Puretech undoubtedly has an unparalleled understanding of the requirements of clients requiring water purification, whatever the application and wherever in the world the installation.